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April 2025 Finished RPGs! Final! Look in Shop!
Back fulltime to Alfred 6!!!
For The Lord RPG ministry
Join Discord to try it out.
If you are part of a RPG minsitry! Youth, group, homeschool, contact me for access to the games, assets, walkthrus!
Note to all paying customers!
You will be getting updated PDFs of your purchases!

Sisterhood TTRPG Is it Blasphemy???
Play Video

Best Evangelism RPG Ever
Play Video

Dark Ponderings
Play Video
The first Christian missionary based role-playing game!
The Dark Ages

Apostles of the Apoc

Christians In Space!!!


Ron was a computer animator by trade, working in Hollywood on games and cinematics for 15 years. He chose a life of homeschooling his daughters over work but managed to sneak time in to write stories. After reading Alfred to his 4 year old daughter, he began a publishing odyssey. Or maybe oddity! He's also been a game master for roleplaying games since he was 10ish.
Lifewise he does medieval armoured combat, has a wee lil'fancy goldfish & koi pond, a barky dog, and oh yeah a wife and daughters. God Bless and hope you enjoy m'works!
To avoid any confusion, I am a Christian Creation Calvinist Conservative Crazy for Christ dad dude doofus with a lil'atheist residual chagrin.
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